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Annointing oils and incense are used widely in magickal rituals and spells. Fragrance is an extremely useful tool. It "sets the mood" for your ritual, and goes a long way in bringing about your desired magickal intention. The following is a list of oils commonly used in magick, along with their commonly accepted magickal attributes. As you experiment with fragrance by using oils and incense, you will most likely find many more magickal uses for the following oils. This list is provided to simply get you started.  Blessed Be!!! 

 Amber - love, comfort, happiness, and healing. (Amber oil is created from lesser quality amber, which is fossilized pine resin millions of years old...true amber oil is extremely rare...most amber oil is formulated from ambergris)

Ambergris - psychic powers, dreams, aphrodisiac. (This is a product of sperm whales, and was used widely for magick in the past...it is not very common presently, due to increased ecological considerations -- whales are an endangered species, and fortunately society no longer approves of the killing of animals for products such as oil) Most of the ambergris oil on the market today is artificial. For a close substitute, mix cypress oil with a few drops of Patchouli oil...

 Apple Blossom - happiness, love, friendship

Bayberry - protection, wishes, prosperity, happiness, control.

Benzoin - astral projection, purification

Bergamot - money-attraction, prosperity, uplifting of spirits, protection

Carnation - protection, strength, healing, love, lust.

Cedarwood - healing, purification, unhexing, protection, money-attraction

Cinnamon - purification, stimulation, wealth and prosperity, business success, lust, astral projection, healing

Citronella - cleansing, warding off (especially mosquitos!!!), healing, unhexing, exorcism...don't use indoors

Clove - pain relief, intellectual stimulation, business success, wealth and prosperity, divination, exorcism, protection, psychic awareness

Copal - love, purification, uplifting spirits, protection, exorcism, promoting spirituality.

Cypress - comfort, healing, and protection.

Dittany of Crete - Astral projection

Dragon's Blood - extremely useful in adding power to any other oil, increases potency of spells and rituals, protection, courage, hex-breaking, exorcism, magickal power, love Eucalyptus - healing, purification, protection...open up a vial of eucalyptus oil and breathe vapor or use a few drops in steam inhalation to help ease congestion. 

Frankincense - spirituality, astral strength, protection, consecration, courage, exorcism Gardenia - peace, love, healing.

Ginger - wealth & riches, invigorating, lust, love, magickal power

Hibiscus - divination, love, lust 

Honeysuckle - money, psychic powers, happiness, friendship, healing

Hyacinth - happiness, protection

Jasmine - love, money, dreams, fantasy, purification, wisdom, skills, astral projection

Juniper - calming, protection, healing, exorcism...mixed with grapefruit oil and rubbed on the body, it is said to help with cellulite -- if using, pure, essential oils, remember to mix with a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond -- do not put PURE essential oils on the body without diluting, as it could cause a skin reaction

Lavender - cleansing, healing, love, happiness...one of the few oils that can be used undiluted (called "neat") on the body.

Lemon - healing, love, purification...mix a few drops with water to use in house-cleaning...smells great!!!

 Lemongrass - psychic powers, mental clarity

 Lilac - soothing, warding off, exorcism

Lotus - opening, elevating mood, protection, spirituality, healing, meditation. A recipe for Lotus Bouquet: Mix equal parts of Rose, Jasmine, and Musk...then add some Ylang-Ylang to equal about 10% of the entire solution...smells wonderful!!!

Magnolia - nature, trees, hair growth. A recipe for Magnolia Bouquet: Mix 2 parts Sandalwood with about 1 part Jasmine and about 1 part Rose...add some Neroli oil to equal about 5 - 10% of the entire solution...

Musk - aphrodisiac, prosperity, inner truth, courage, purification

Myrrh - spirituality, hex-breaking, meditation, healing, consecration, exorcism

Neroli - confidence, insomnia

New Mown Hay - used for new beginnings, gaining a fresh perspective on problems, or to break negative habits and thought patterns. There are several brands on the market...to make your own version, mix the following oils: Woodruff, Tonka, Lavender, Bergamot, and Oakmoss.

Oakmoss - money-drawing...to make your own oakmoss bouquet: combine vetivert and cinnamon oils.

Orange - divination, love, luck, money-attraction, psychic powers

Patchouly - growth, love, mastery, warm & sensual

Pennyroyal - purifying

Peppermint - energy, mental stimulant, exorcism, healing

 Pine - grounding, strength, cleansing, exorcism, healing

Rose - love, house-blessing, fertility, healing

Rose Geranium - courage & protection

Rosemary - remembrance, energy, exorcism, healing

Sage - wisdom, clarity, purification, exorcism

Sandalwood - this has a rich and mysterious scent and is just about the most popular oil. I use it as a general, all-purpose annointing oil...its magickal attributes include spirituality, healing, protection, astral projection, exorcism. Cedar may be used as a substitute.

Strawberry - love, luck

Sweet Pea - although no genuine sweet pea oil exists, you can create your own by combining Neroli, Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, and Benzoin...used for friendship, love, courage

Tonka - used for love and attracting money. Mix Benzoin oil with a few drops of Vanilla extract to make a great substitute!!!

Tuberose - for love attraction...very expensive, if you can ever find it! A substitute would contain Ylang-Ylang, Rose, and Jasmine Oils, with just a touch of Neroli added...

Vanilla - lust, mental powers

Vetivert - unhexing, money, peace, love, exorcism

Violet - wisdom, luck, love, protection, healing

Yarrow - courage, exorcism, psychic

Ylang-Ylang - I use this one quite a bit!!! It is distilled from a flower which grows in the Philippines...use for love, harmony, and euphoria.